
1501 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501

Save the dates - 1st Queercation Tattoo Conference

Save the dates - 1st Queercation Tattoo Conference

Save the dates - 1st Queercation Tattoo Conference ...more

Queercation News

October 27, 20222 min read

Queercation Tattoo Conference 

Tattoo conferences have always been a great place to share knowledge, build community, and get inspired! For queer people, however, it can be a challenge to enter spaces or events that are free from harassment, stigma, hostile opinions, or unsolicited questions about ourselves. Therefore, we have created a committee of queer, diverse tattooers, and/or people in the industry, who are creating the first Queer and Ally Tattoo Conference, in order to provide affirming space in which to learn, share, create and foster community. Queercation is a tattooers’ conference which will offer seminars on art and tattooing practices by queer and ally tattooers. Seminars and panels will be provided by talented, professional industry people on topics such as history, health and safety standards, and issues such as colorism in tattooing. Additionally, there will be regional excursions and nightlife entertainment.   


Tattooing and art related education to help further your career, get inspired and have fun!

Discussion panels

Tattoo industry, health, queerness in tattooing, apprenticeships and more...


A tattoo conference filled with queer and ally tattooers?! Ok I'm in


Nightly entertainment and group activities, did I mention Hotel Santa Fe has a pool and hot tub?

Seminars and panels by:


Toby Linwood


Joel Mejia


Haley Adams


Leslie Mah


Cedre Csillagi


Beverly Yuen-Thompson


Tann Parker


Who Tattoo

Pilates teacher & Wellness coach

Teresa Ellis

Hotel Santa Fe

1501 Paseo de Peralta

Santa Fe, NM 87501

Reserve your room today and use code QUEERCATION for discount

and access to evening hotel events

Call ONLY (855) 825-9876

  • The conference will take place at the Hotel Santa Fe and spa, described as: 

“The only Native American-owned hotel in downtown Santa Fe, Hotel Santa Fe offers you a relaxed yet deeply reverent immersion into the art, architecture, music, and language of the Pueblo people. For more than 25 years, we’ve celebrated and shared the very best of our culture with visitors seeking experiences not found in guidebooks.”


We are excited for our tattoo community to have an experience that includes

ceremonies and education shared by local Pueblo people.

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